Just when I was thinking that it had been a long time since I did a post on fountain pens, than something happened that made me the opportunity to write this post. I hadn’t bought a new fountain pen (though I would love to) or lost a fountain pen but I had the first fountain pen disaster of my life involving a major ink spill.
I had been writing with a fountain pen since nearly two decades and had never been had any serious accidents involving them. The most that happened was a broken nib when the pen slipped out of hand. But, the other day I had quite a serious accident/mishap that is not uncommon to those who use fountain pens daily. The mishap resulted in a ruined shirt.
I was attending a boring meeting, sitting out of sight in a corner and scribbling away in my notebook the draft of the post I had planned to do on waiting for the weekend papers. I was busy writing and did not hear my name being called. I rose abruptly; pen in hand, to answer one of my bosses. Then I sat down and absent mindedly put back the fountain pen in my shirt pocket.
I noticed that a few people across the table were beginning to stare at my shirt. I felt embarrassed and wondered if I had worn a shirt without a few buttons. I looked down and saw a blue stain that was fast spreading just under the pocket. I took out the pen hurriedly but it was too late; the stain achieved the size of a small football. That is one good shirt ruined because I had forgotten to put back the cap on the nib.
Oh, no.
May I ask what brand of fountain pen you use?
Ack, I'm always afraid of that! ;-)
I have a Mont Blanc Meisterstuck, but I write with local brands.
Hi Vinod, that photo livened up the blog... but we FP warriors are a tough lot ... we are not afraid of ink ... just like teachers should not be afraid of chalk dust ... but make sure the cap is on next time... remember this shirt and ink blot provided you with a blog thought...!
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