Friday, June 17, 2022

Not a Sunday Haul

 Last Sunday I couldn't make it to Abids to look for books as I was not well. I wanted to rest and take it easy though it wasn't possible because I was wondering what titles I would have found had I been to Abids. My Sunday feels incomplete without a visit to Abids. However, I compensate for that by either visiting a bookstore or buying books on a few WhatsApp groups of sellers of second hand books. They have regular sales where they post pictures of the covers and whoever claims the book first gets it. These are some of the titles I managed to claim and get in such sales in the past couple of weeks. 

I love William Trevor's writing and I got this title in the post only yesterday. It is a novella of about 70 pages. I am looking forward to read it sometime this week. 

Another title I had heard about and was looking forward to find was a copy of this monster of a book with 1007 pages. 'Funeral Nights' by Kynpham Sing Nongkynrih. I need at least a month to finish reading this title. 

Sometime last week I claimed and got Pico Iyer's 'The Art of Stillness' that I had noted down in my 'to buy and read' list. I had not expected to find it so soon but here it is. It is a collection of essays. 

I first read about Wislawa Szymborska in a poet's post on FB a long time back, and ever since I have been looking for a title by this poet. When I saw this title posted on a WA group I jumped to claim it first. Funnily enough, just as no one had claimed William Trevor's 'Nights at Alexandra' Szymborska had no claimants! 

1 comment:

Jayasrinivasa Rao said...

Wislawa Szymborska is a wonderful poet, Vinod ... I have this book ... I have also translated her poems to Kannada ... good find!!