Friday, April 28, 2023

The Sunday Haul (on 23-04-2023)

 After being away from Hyderabad for two weeks and missing my visits to Abids on two consecutive Sundays I was eager to go to Abids last Sunday. Though it was the day after Ramzan there were many sellers out there on the pavements which was a pleasing sight.  

The first book I found was a nice copy of ‘Buffalo Nationalism: A Critique of Spiritual Fascism’ by Kancha Ilaiah, a Dalit writer who manages to ruffle the feathers of many conservative Hindus by his controversial opinions. I picked it up as I wanted to read more of his essays. I got this book for fifty rupees.


Ever since I read Robert D. Kaplan’s ‘Balkan Ghosts’ I wanted to read more about the Balkans and I was thrilled to find a copy of ‘Through the Embers of Chaos: Balkan Journeys’ by Dervla Murphy with a seller near the Bata store. I had seen this title somewhere online and had wondered what it could be all about. I was pretty excited to spot this title at Abids and more thrilled that I could get it for just fifty rupees. This was the best find of the year I guess. 

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