Friday, November 10, 2023

The Sunday Haul (on 05.11.2023)


The Diwali shopping buzz has begun and so all the shops in Abids were open. Only a few of the second-hand booksellers had shifted from their regular spots so I did not feel much of a difference in my usual Sunday hunt for books at Abids. However, I did not feel like buying every book that I saw because at home the books are taking over every available spot spacious enough to keep a book. I ended up buying just two titles last Sunday at Abids. 


A long time back I had found a copy of ‘The Savage Detectives’ by Roberto Bolano that I did not find the time to read and somehow I gave it away to someone without realizing I was giving it away. Later when I read about the book somewhere and searched for my copy I couldn’t find it and belatedly realized that I had foolishly given it away. Luckily sometime later I found another copy that again I haven’t had the time to read. So while the copy of ‘The Savage Detectives’ by Roberto Bolano is still lying somewhere on my bookshelf unread I found a copy of ‘Distant Star’ by Roberto Bolano last Sunday at Abids. I got it for just fifty rupees and have begun reading it since it is quite slim and can be finished in a day. 



I do not have to mention it again that I love travel titles especially those that are about the traveler living in another country and writing about the people, life and other things in that country that the writer has chosen to call it his home. 


I did not buy the copy of ‘Italian Neighbours’ by Tim Parks that I saw at Abids last Sunday just like that. I had read ‘Teach Us to Sit Still’ by Tim Parks a couple of years ago and was very impressed by what he wrote about a delicate problem that he had and how he went through that using meditation and other ways. I found a nice copy of ‘Italian Neighbours’ that I got for a hundred rupees. 

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