Tuesday, June 18, 2019

A Midweek Haul

The previous Saturday was a holiday for us because it was the second Saturday. I dropped in at the Unique book store in Lakdi-ka-pul to check out the stock. The store was downsized to just one small room from the two-room store it had been the last time I was there. The stock too seemed lesser than before but I could find two titles that I bought.
The first title I picked up was a nice copy of ‘The Way of Story: The Craft and Soul of Writing’ by Cathrine Ann Jones that a red cover with a Japanese painting. I bought it because I simply cannot resist any title on writing. I noticed that the author had signed it for someone called ‘Afeefa’. After going home I started reading the book out of curiosity after I read in the Author’s Note where she thanked her son, Christopher Rama Rao. I was surprised to learn that Cathrine Ann Jones had been married to Raja Rao, the English novelist, author of ‘Kanthapura’ and ‘The Serpent and the Rope’!
The other title I picked up was a copy of ‘Death of a Thin Skinned Animal’ by Patrick Alexander that promised to be a good read. I read it right away after I got home and was pleased to discover that Patrick Alexander was a wonderful writer. I was glad I picked it up on a hunch that it could be a good book. This midweek haul cost me quite a packet but I am glad I hauled in two good titles- one entertaining title and another educative title.


Maya Varde said...

I have a request for you... Can you write a post on all books on writing that you own /have read ? At least some recommendations ...

Vinod Ekbote said...

Maya, here are a few books on writing that I found useful: On Writing (Stephen King), On Writing Well (William Zinsser), The Art of Fiction (John Gardner), Bird by Bird (Anne Lamott) Zen and the Art of Writing (Ray Bradbury), The First Five Pages (Noah Lukeman). More later. Good luck. :)