Friday, June 05, 2020

The Sunday Haul

In my previous post I had predicted that the second hand book sellers would be out in full strength at Abids the next Sunday. Well, it almost happened though less than half of them were around. From two to almost ten sellers was a great improvement I thought as I went around the lanes looking for titles to pick up. It was at just one seller that I picked up the entire Sunday’s haul of five books. The previous Sunday too I had come home with a few books though they were not from Abids. But this Sunday’s haul was all from Abids.

I picked up the following titles:
‘Coolie’ by Mulk Raj Anand. It had a wonderful cover and was published in 1978.
‘Detained: A Writer’s Prison Diary’ by Ngugi. It was a hardcover title in good condition.
‘Maigret in Court’ by Simenon. Not such a great copy but I bought it nevertheless.
‘Writing Fiction’ by R.V.Cassill and ‘Making Shapely Fiction’ by Jerome Stearn because I cannot resist books on writing. All these five book I bought for three hundred rupees.
The day before I had dropped in at the ‘Unique Books’ second hand bookstore at Lakdi ka pul where I found a copy of ‘Tibetan Foothold’ by Dervla Murphy. I was looking for her ‘Full Tilt’ but hadn’t found it yet so I settled for ‘Tibetan Foothold’ since I have not read anything by Dervla Murphy till date. I got it for hundred rupees.
I am hoping next Sunday it would be a full house with all the second hand booksellers showing up.

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