Friday, August 07, 2020

The Sunday Haul (on 02/08/2020)

This is the first post of the 14th year of this blog. 

 Last Sunday I was glad to be back at Abids again after a week. The weekly visit to Abids to look for books is proving to be a kind of life-saver to me because otherwise I am at home without much to do except read, due to the Corona virus restrictions. Not many people are coming to Abids which is a sort of blessing in disguise because books I’ve missed buying on one Sunday are still there on the next Sunday. However I haven’t missed buying anything the previous Sunday but last Sunday I picked up four more books.

 The first find was a nice copy of ‘The Art of Living- Epictetus’ by Sharon Lebell that I have bought several copies of in the past. I like to give away this book as a gift to friends and people I meet who I think might benefit from the wonderful advice in this book. I got this copy for just thirty rupees. 

 There are a couple of sellers who have heaps of books selling for fifty rupees each. One seller’s heap has been a regular source of some good titles I’ve bought in the past couple of Sundays. This Sunday too the heap yielded two more titles. 

 The first was a copy of ‘The Poison of Love’ by KR Meera that I had read about a lot. It was a hardcover copy. I am planning to read this next because I had read only high praise of KR Meera.

 The other title from the fifty rupee heap was a copy of ‘The Monkey King’ by Timothy Mo. I have heard of his name but this is the first title of his that I have seen. I don’t know when I will find the time to read it but I have bought it. 

 The last buy with another seller was a copy of ‘The Anatomy of Prose’ by Marjorie Boulton.

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