Friday, July 21, 2023

The Sunday Haul (on 16-07-2023)

I was away from Hyderabad and missed the visits to Abids on two Sundays so when I set out for Abids this Sunday I was filled with an eagerness and excitement I feel only when I am around books. 

The first haul at Abids last Sunday was a title that I had seen before the trip to Delhi. I had not picked it up then but when I saw it last Sunday I was glad no one bought it. ‘Still Counting the Dead: Survivors of Sri Lanka's Hidden War’ by Frances Harrison is about the killings in Sri Lanka and the aftermath. I got this book for just fifty rupees. After buying this title I walked into the Irani to have a cup of chai while going through the find. I wasn’t surprised to see Danny at a table sipping on his chai as he is also a regular at Abids. So I sat with him and we talked about the books we found, our mutual friends and later went around looking at the books laid out on the pavements. 


For some reason I like to read books on psychiatry, psychology that explain why people behave and think the way they do. I am fascinated about such things and so when I saw a copy of ‘On Becoming a Person: A Therapist’s View of Psychottherapy” by Carl R. Rogers with a seller who seems to stock only good titles I bought it.


On the same shelf I also saw a nice copy of ‘If I Die in a Combat Zone’ by Tim O’Brien that I immediately picked up as I also have his ‘Things They Carried’ that I haven’t been able to read though I bought the book years ago. I got this title too for a hundred and fifty rupees, the same price I paid for ‘On Becoming a Person’ that was also a brand new copy. 

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