Unlike most people I do not wake up on Sundays feeling good all over and get out of bed feeling gung ho about everything. There are Sundays when I wake up feeling terribly anxious almost like the world is coming to an end. This feeling usually manifests on those Sundays that follows the previous Sunday when I have failed to pick up certain books at the book bazaar at Abids. Though I feel a low grade anxiety all week it peaks on Sunday morning, the hour before I leave for Abids. Last Sunday was one such Sunday.
Last Sunday I had missed buying ‘Meditations’ of Marcus Aurelius and also Rohinton Mistry’s ‘Such a Long Journey’ apart from other titles. I did not buy them because of various reasons, one of which was money. I had picked up too many books so I decided to forego these titles. But the moment I had reached home the regret began to gnaw at me and I almost went back again to pick them up. Somehow I resisted the urge with the result that the whole week I had an agonising time waiting for Sunday and also hoping it wouldn’t rain. I set out with a prayer hoping no one had picked up the books I had left behind
It did not rain last Sunday when I raced out of the house. At Chikkadpally I was relieved to find the copy of Rohinton Mistry’s ‘Such a Long Journey’ exactly where it was. I picked it up for fifty rupees only. I had planed to start reading books by the older lot of Indian writers but never quite got around to doing it. It would be a good start to begin with Rohinton Mistry’s ‘Such a Long Journey’ and in fact, I have already started the book and found it to be very interesting. More about it in another post.
Even after finding ‘Such a Long Journey’ my anxiety hadn’t entirely abated because there was ‘Meditations’ to pick up at Abids. Luckily, this too was exactly where I had last seen it. I had to shell out a hundred and twenty rupees which appears too much but when compared to all the wisdom in the book it is peanuts. Besides, it was a damn good copy without a single blemish. I was glad I found the book.
Incidentally, with ‘Meditations’ now I have three books by three wise men of yore, on negotiating life’s treacherous turns and challenges sensibly and with equanimity and courage. I have Baltasar Gracian’s ‘The Art of Worldly Wisdom’ and also Epictetus’ ‘The Art of Living’ that I try to read almost every day. There are other people like Seneca, etc whose works I haven’t yet sampled. But since now a small collection is beginning to grow, I will look out for similar books and build my collection and hopefully, also stock up on some common sense that I sorely lack.
Another good find was Samit Basu’s ‘The Simoqin Prophecies’ that is the first of the ‘Gameworld Trilogy.’ I am not very interested in this genre but after reading his column in this month’s ‘Literary Review’ in The Hindu I wanted to try out one of his books.
But the luckiest find of the day was by Uma who accompanied me to Abids. He picked up a decent copy of Haruki Murakami’s ‘Kafka on the Shore’ for only fifty rupees. I have two copies of the book but haven’t yet read it with the intention of reading all such good books when I find some quiet time.
Oh.. Are there second hand books in Chikkadpally too, on Sundays?. Will check it out some Sunday.
there are about five sellers at Chikkadpally who set up shop on Sundays. They have a decent collection. Sure, check it out.
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