Friday, July 12, 2024

The Sunday Haul (on 07-07-2024)

 Once again it did not rain in Hyderabad last Sunday. I felt it as a sign that I should go to Abids to look for books in the Sunday second-hand book market. As usual I reached there around noon and immediately began my usual browsing right from the moment I got to Abids. I always leave home for Abids on Sunday morning hoping I would return home with just one nice title but that never happens since I always find more than a couple of titles that I just cannot stop myself from buying. Last week it happened again when I picked up two good titles. 


The first title I found was a book that seemed brand new and with a bright colorful cover. It was a copy of ‘Sugar Money’ by Jane Harris. I bought it because of the wonderful cover and also because it was published by Faber & Faber. To be honest I don’t think I will read it until I find it quite interesting when I plan to read some of the pages randomly. Incidentally, I saw another copy of the same title with another seller later.


Joseph Heller happens to be one of my favorite writers after reading his classic- ‘Catch-22’ a long time ago. I also read some of his other books like ‘No Laughing Matter’ and also “Something Happened’ that I did not find so interesting. I thought these were the only books he wrote so I was surprised when I saw a copy of ‘Portrait of an Artist, as an Old Man’ by Joseph Heller at Abids last Sunday.  This is a novel and I got it for only forty rupees. 

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