Friday, January 13, 2012

The Sunday Haul and Another Find

Since the past three Sundays there’s been a book I’ve hesitated to buy though every instinct within told me to pick it up. The name of the author was new to me but the title on the cover suggested it could be a good book. Even a blurb on the back about the dialogue in the book akin to that of Elmore Leonard did not convince me to take it. Finally, on Sunday unable to resist it I picked up Harry Dolan’s ‘Bad Things Happen’ for only twenty rupees. Later when I searched online for reviews of this book I was glad I bought the book.

The other day I read on World Hum that ‘The Man Within My Head’ Pico Iyer’s latest book was out. I read the review and wondered when I’d be able to read it. It would be impossible to find the book in the bookstores in India I guess though I haven’t been to any bookstore to check it out. I do not think I will find a used copy anywhere so soon. However I do plan to buy a new copy as soon as I can afford it.

On my previous visit to the Best Books' sale of second hand books at YMCA, Secunderabad last week, I had kept aside Dave Barry’s ‘Dave Barry’s ‘History of the Millenium So Far’ with the intention of buying at a later date just before the sale closes. However, I couldn’t stop worrying about that book. I kept imagining that some crazy Dave Barry fan like me would spot the book kept under the counter and cajole the guy to sell it to him. It has been quite a long time since I had found a new Dave Barry title so I did not want to miss it for anything in the world. Despite tight finances I rushed to the sale and breathed a sigh of relief when I found that nothing of the sort I had imagined had taken place. I picked up the book but it set me back by Rs 195. However I do not regret it and feel rather lucky since it is a hard cover copy and appears almost new.

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