A terrific haul I had this Sunday finding the Big Three of travel magazines- Lonely Planet, Condé Nast Traveler, and National Geographic Traveler, all in one place. The LP and Condé Nast were issues of July 2009 and the NGT was the absolutely latest issue- of September 2009! Only last Sunday I had found the previous issue. When the guy said I could have each for only twenty rupees I felt glad I decided to come to Abids though I knew there’d be very few sellers. It was one of the best haul of travel related stuff I’ve had in recent times.
The National Geographic Traveler issue was one about some great road trips. The write up about a motorcycle trip on the Sardinian coast in Italy had some wonderful pictures. I’ve begun to like a regular columnist in the magazine- Daisann McLane, who wrote about travel sleep in this issue. The previous issue had a piece about the joys of doing one’s laundry while traveling. Pretty mundane things but she writes well. There was a piece on using Twitter to enhance the travel experience and one about iPhone applications one can use while travelling. I wish I could do one of the travel photography workshops that NGT holds quite regularly. The latest one is in Colorado from Oct 30 to November 2.
In a previous post I had written about how thick Condé Nast is with hundreds of pages. The July issue had only 106 pages compared to ninety of NGT. This issue was about some great island deals. There were lengthy articles on Barbados, Hokkaido, Cape Verde and also Hawaii. The pictures were as usual great.
I do not know how long Lonely Planet Magazine’s been around but the July 2009 issue I found was the second issue I read. One striking thing about LPM is the number of photographs that dot the pages. This issue was about 50 Best Kept Travel Secrets and not one of them was about any place in India except Shaheen Bagh in Mussorie which got just a couple of lines. In contrast Cevennes in France, Beirut, Costa del Sol, Albania and Socotra got pages and pages of mention.
For all my reading of travel magazines I am not getting to travel anywhere much. But next month there’s a trip in the offing. I might be in Bengaluru for a week on office work, more specifically, on a training program. Watch this space.
Like most boys I was fascinated by guns until I discovered that a pen could be as lethal as a gun. The fascination, however lingers, though I am a very non-violent person. I picked up a magazine on guns- Shooting Times to know what’s happening in the world of guns though I would have loved if it had been a pen magazine that I found.
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