Friday, May 17, 2024

The Sunday Haul (on 12-05-2024)

 Last Sunday the weather was far better than the days before. It was relatively cool though the sun was out. It wasn’t hot as before but somehow I was not in a good mood since the morning. I wished I could find something good at Abids that would lift my foul mood and it was exactly what happened a few minutes after I reached Abids. 

I spotted a cover with the image of a Mughal prince and when I looked closer it turned out to be a copy of ‘Chasing the Mountain of Light’ by Kevin Rushby. I was elated at the find and my mood improved instantly! I got the book for just fifty rupees and I was actually overjoyed at making such a nice find first thing after reaching Abids. Long back I had found a copy of Kevin Rushby’s ‘Eating the Flowers of Paradise in May 2010. I read it but seemed to have given it away which I regret now. 


With the same seller I saw a copy of ‘The Happiness Project’ by Gretchen Rubin with its distinctive blue yellow colour. Though I already have a copy of this title I picked it up because i wanted to give it to a friend. This too I got for only fifty rupees. 


Later I sat in Grand and had my usual chota samosa and chai and watched the people inside the joint for sometime before getting up and continuing my hunt at Abids. The next find turned out to be another astonishing one. In a heap of books that are for sale for fifty rupees I saw a copy of ‘Falling Slowly’ by Anita Brookner that I picked up. Anita Brookner is one of my favorite writer but I haven’t yet found a copy of her ‘Hotel du Lac’ that I hope to find someday soon. 

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