Friday, May 24, 2024

The Sunday Haul (on 19-05-2024)

Sometime last Friday or so there was heavy rain in Hyderabad and suddenly it became quite cool. It was lovely weather for a few days and last Sunday too it was not very hot as it was cloudy. The nice weather after a month and half of scorching heat put me in a good mood. 


My favorite Stephen King title is ‘On Writing’ that I’ve not only read several times but also have bought several copies of. Long back before I found my first copy of ‘On Writing’ I read ‘Cujo’, ‘Carrie’ and also ‘Misery’ after which I did not read his other titles though I intend to. Last Sunday the only book I bought was a nice copy of ‘The Colorado Kid’ by Stephen King that was a Hard Case Crime title. I had seen it the previous Sunday but did not buy it for some reason but when I saw it again last Sunday I decided to buy it and got it for fifty rupees. 

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