Friday, October 28, 2022

The Sunday Haul (on 23-10-2022)

 Last Sunday was the day before Diwali so all the shops in Abids were open and packed with shoppers. As a result the sellers at Abids shifted their books to other spots. Almost all of the second hand book sellers were present though at different spots. I found two titles both Virago modern classics coincidentally.

I sometimes fool myself into thinking that I know almost any writer worth knowing. But this illusion doesn’t last for long because almost every Sunday I find books by writers I haven’t heard before. Last Sunday too at Abids I found a book by an author I hadn’t heard before. It was a copy of ‘Winged Seeds’ by Katharine Susannah Prichard, a Virago Modern Classics title that seemed too attractive to give a miss to. I read that it was the third and last novel in an epic trilogy. The trilogy is set in the gold mines of Western Australia. It was a terrific find for I love to read Australian authors. But I was very disappointed at the same time since it would be impossible to find the other two titles.

The other Virago Modern Classic title that I found a few minutes after I found the copy of ‘Winged Seeds’ was a nice copy of ‘The Ante-Room’ by Kate O’ Brien. I had heard about Kate O’Brien but I haven’t found any book by her so far so finding the copy of ‘The Ante-Room’ was a wonderful surprise. I got these two books for hundred rupees each.

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