Sunday, October 12, 2008

Le Clezio, Who?

Sometime last week I read in the Deccan Chronicle that Claudio Magris was a likely contender for this year's Nobel Prize for Literature. I was beside myself with excitement because I have one of his books and if he had won it I could have had a reason to gloat here about finding a book by a writer who went on to win the Nobel. I had found Magris' 'Danube' around this time last year at Abids. Shortly afterwards, I read about him again in a Mont Blanc catalogue and so the news that he might, just might win the Nobel had me in a tizzy for a while. But then, it went to someone who I'll bet no one in the country has heard of. At least I haven't.

I was hearing the name- Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clezio for the first time so it was a disappointment, and also a little embarrassing that I haven't even heard of him before. Once again, it goes to show how little I know of the great writers of the world. Still, I was happy to read that Le Clezio had lived in various countries. There is something in the writing of people who travel to different countries not just as visitors. On the other hand, I am also unhappy that it will be a long time before I can lay my hands on one of his books.

Not that I am going to start reading his books straightaway because I still haven't read 'The Golden Notebook' by last year's Nobel winner- Doris Lessing. The sheer size of the book is intimidating. It would be difficult for me to remember the story given the erratic way I read. I plan to read it up before Le Clezio's books make their appearance, not at Abids though, but in the regular bookstores.

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